Preparing for CSE (UPSC) and CCE(APSC)

The Civil services Examination is considered to be the mother of all exams. The curriculum is very heavy, especially at the Mains stage. Therefore, it is suggested that one should first prepare for Mains Exam and then for the Prelims Exam. This is because after the Prelims Exam, one gets only four months to prepare for the Mains Exam in the case of UPSC, and some more months for APSC.

At the Mains stage there are a lot many papers to prepare, for example optional subject, essay paper and the GS papers. The optional subject is of Post Graduation level, which usually is a completely new subject. Thus aspirants must thoroughly prepare these papers in advance, even before preparing for the Prelims Exam. Also during the preparation stage, reading a good newspaper is of crucial importance.