APSC GS Prelims 2018 - ANALYSIS

The APSC GS prelims paper has clearly been aligned to the trends set by the UPSC Prelims papers. APSC has included some portions of Art & Culture, just like UPSC (Art & Culture has been a UPSC favourite since 2011).

In Current Affairs also, few questions have been asked from the year 2016, which is another UPSC trend. The Commissions do not just expect us to know the current affairs of the preceding 12 months, but we are expected to know the current affairs of the last 2-3 years and some questions appear from those years, just like this year’s APSC prelims paper.

In Economics, the weightage has increased. Both factual as well as conceptual questions have been asked. Even though Five Year Plans have been scrapped off, APSC still loves to give questions from the five year plans and this year also there has been several questions from that portion.

Very less questions from geography has been asked, almost no questions from Assam Geography portion.

In history, overall weightage has gone down. Some questions have been asked from the Assam History portion, but questions from ancient and medieval portion in case of overall Indian History have not come.

There has been a rise in the number of aptitude questions, but they were quite easy.

The Indian Polity questions were easy ones and the weightage has increased.

There has been a drop in the number of questions from the Science & technology portion.

Common questions from Gradient IAS classroom notes:

All the Economics questions have been covered in the classroom notes and explanations. Especially the five year plan related questions have been well covered in the notes. Most of the Economy questions have been covered in the Gradient IAS GS Prelims test series.

All the Indian Polity questions have been covered in the classroom notes, and some questions are common to the questions that came in the Gradient IAS GS Prelims test series.

The Government schemes questions are common to what had been discussed in the classroom program.

Most of the current affairs questions had been discussed in the classroom. Special emphasis was given to current affairs of the last 2-3 years as it was expected that APSC may ask questions from 2016.

All the Geography questions have come from the classroom notes. The Gradient IAS GS Prelims test series covered many questions on east flowing and west flowing rivers, and a similar question on the same topic came in the APSC GS Prelim paper.